Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hysterical night

The absence of school in your schedule makes for many things, excitement, snowboarding and more drinking then is rational or necessary for a good time (to name a few). Last night was just another night, hustled out of the Mckibbs DT by bouncers, punches thrown, police involvement and tears from the most unlikely of people,... a dude. To be fair the bartenders were complete twats, who the fuck makes last call at 2:1o!!??  they should have known angry drunks would charge the bar after it was closed. This one stupid bitch ill never forget wouldn't top my drink up with some more rum if i tipped her?? Gahddamit slut I'm not a 13 year-old girl, I'm an alcoholic! To make matters worse that bitch was UGLY. In the end it made for a funny story and Normy has a fish lip until the swelling goes down. Man I love partying with that guy, it's like Hilarious situations are magnetized to him, I really must see this mysterious weed that Norms and Norms only hallucinated on so bad (man i wish i was there). Props to Scott and Dan for letting me crash on the couch... again. Now that the holidays are here, let the good times roll.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Woke up feeling like a piece of trash after last night. I'm beginning to scare myself when I wake up wondering how the fuck I got home.. then immediately remember that I totally drove myself and others home. Nothing beats working at a pizza place after a night of boozing, it almost makes up for having to wake up at 11am, Chad knows what I'm talking about, only your pizza place sucks to all hell and i'd rather eat cardboard then that shit(at least it's cheap). Zach by the way I remember hauling absolute ASS at pool last night at Clydes. I'm not sure who bought more games but either way it serves you right to pay for pocketing the 8-ball like 3 times in a row off the break (if there is a God like you speak of, he surely hates you and loves me). Did I mention im getting a pool table? man you guys are fucked, and im still gonna charge for games played at my place, or just a box of tall boys for entering the basement. Im kinda hyped for this cause the bar scene is getting played out, unless we find that mysterious bar with the mechanical bull in it, someone is getting their ass kicked on my birthday if we ever find that place...true story. I know cause ill somehow have gained access to the bull's controls. fuckin puppets!         Why does my blog have no followers!! I know people read this!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It was brought to my attention from a friend and former employee of the SAQ that the expensive Mexican tequila (PATRON) was once again on the shelves. Hysteria follows suit. Last friday I made sure i had the 75bones to drop on the very small bottle of tequila (750ml) and made a special trip to do so. I was carded along with my friend who decided to tag along, then was further subjected to a double check of the signature on the back of my visa card, assholes. I wanted to tell them to fuck themselves but I wanted my tequila even more...ill never shop there again.